Tonight's poem kind of wrote itself while I was working tonight. So here's poem #22 of 30 in my November Poetry Challenge:
A Life Drawing Model's Internal Monologue
30 minute pose.
I can do that.
Set the cushions up,
take off the robe,
give them a diagonal line and a
for composition
and settle in...
dang. That pinches the hip.
Well, they're just 30 seconds or so in,
I can still shift. A bit.
Now No More Moving for half an hour.
Set my spotting position for the eyes...
and I can't see the clock.
So much easier to hold on
if I know how much time is left.
Lets see...60 relaxed breaths = 5 minutes.
So, count 360 breaths, and I'll be close.
there is a hair tickling my nose.
that is really annoying.
can I blow it out of the way?
Yes. Good.
my side and shoulder are tight.
Ah well, they'll stretch.
Modeling poses are like pregnancy.
The first third is uncomfortable
until the body adjusts
to the strain.
Nothing but the scritching of pencils.
All quiet. Let the mind drift...
and here come the yawns.
Must stifle them!
I'm not that tired, am I?
I got eight hours last night.
Oh yeah,
my torso is twisted and bent,
which compresses the lungs.
Hence the...YAWN...dang it.
Breathe deeper to compen...YAWN...sate. eyes are starting to close...204...
must keep them open.
Students are drawing the face
and I can't change it on them.
206...tickle the roof of my mouth
with my tongue?
Sensation helps a bit.
Too quiet. Heavy eyelids.
223...oh good. The teacher
is finally making rounds.
I'll concentrate on that for focus.
"Look at the negative spaces...
You've got the head at the wrong angle...
Bring the leg in a bit, and finish on a light tone...
Good structure, but add the drapery under her...
There's bounced lighting on the belly..."
240...Man, my arm is falling asleep.
I can't feel my right hand.
And my neck is really starting to ache.
That danged hip wants to cramp again too.
242...Oh yeah. Pregnancy again.
The last third of the pose
is like moving into the last trimester,
when you are so blasted uncomfortable
that you just want it OVER already.
...260...ow...Maybe if I flex the leg muscle
I can shift the weight just a bit
to ease the hip? the leg muscle hurts too.
Breathe. Relax.
Focus on the left elbow. That doesn't hurt.
330...just a bit more...
muscles starting to shake from exhaustion...
almost there...breathe...
I will make it.
Too close to give up now.
345...oh man this hurts.
Ow bloody OW just a bit more...
-Beep beep beep beep beep-
Thank God for the timer!
I can...
"Melissa, could you hold that
just a few minutes more?
Now, see if you shade it a bit more here..."
Smile sweetly,
deep breath,
and HOLD.
Of course I can.
I'm a professional.
Melissa McCollum
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