Thursday, March 1, 2012

Not a dog rug. Really. (But it should be, right?)

Awhile before Christmas, I made a sheet of flat felt in order to make my sweetie a hat. I got around to starting on that last night, and put my felt, pattern, and scissors down on the ground to prep for cutting out the pieces. I turned around to get my camera (tutorial to come in a few days)...and when I turned back my pup had staked his claim to this absolutely perfectly sized wool felt puppy rug.

I wasn't actually going to cut into his rug...was I Mom? ....Mom?? I wasn't so horribly unkind and unfair to dogs, was I???

Yup. I was. The hat is cut out and sewn, and I need to check it for size before I put the finishing touches on it. My poor abused puppy will have to make do with curling up in my lap instead. (He's currently trying to convince me to quit typing, because it is making his arm pillow move too much.)

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