Thursday, September 13, 2012

Warping the next project, felt slippers, and de-stashing

Now that the kids are back in school and things are settling down during the days, I've started my next weaving project. If you remember, earlier this summer I wove a hand painted shawl/ruana. I liked the way that it turned out so well that I want to see if I can make them for sale. So I'm measuring out enough warp to make three of them. I plan on dyeing them all in the same color way, but using a different color weft on each one when I'm weaving them up. That way each ruana will be a one of a kind, but I can get more than one item off of the same loom set up. This warp will be just over 14 yards long. That is a lot of times around the warping mill! I'm about half way done with measuring out the white warp. I'll get to the color part either this weekend, or early next week. In the meantime, time to measure out more white strings. Around and around and around and.....

I was going to measure out my warp last weekend, but I had the opportunity to spend some time at a 'Fiber Fun' day with a couple dozen other fiber geeks. I had a couple of people who were interested in felt making, so I took the opportunity to demonstrate how to make felt slippers. In the picture here, you see one slipper almost completed. I just need to trim down the top. That other blob? That is a slipper part way through the felting process. The wool is just starting to hold together, but it needs a lot of shrinking and forming still. I snapped this shot because it always amazes me how magical felting is. How cool is it to go from a shapeless blob into a comfortable, practical 3D form? (You can see my tutorial on how to make slippers in this entry: .) I'll wear these around this house this coming winter, when my feet get cold. I could sew leather soles on them if I were going to wear them outside, but for indoor use I think they'll be fine as is.

I'm proud of myself, too. See those baskets full of weaving yarn? I took them to the Fiber Fun Day and gave them away. (Not the kitten though. He stayed.) (He thought all the yarn was his, too!) You can't really tell there is much missing by looking at my remaining yarn stash, mind you. But the night before the event I went through my shelves and picked out which yarn actually fits my current weaving style and project list. At my current rate of weaving, I have enough yarn still on the shelves to last me for several years. I figured it was only fair to let this other yarn head out to good homes where it will be used.

I also went through my old magazine stash, and gave away a bunch of old 'Spin-off' magazines. I hadn't looked at them in years. Their new owners are inspired and delighted, and there are now new projects in the making. And again, if I look at my shelves I can't even tell that they're gone. I also gave away a raw fleece from the stash in the shed. I've processed wool from start to finish, and find that when I spin I prefer to work from already cleaned and carded roving. And I have plenty of that! The garbage bag full of raw wool was snapped up by its new owner before I had even made it into the door of the event. Somebody is very happy, and I have more room. A win all around.

I still have more de-stashing and de-cluttering to do. I'd like to pare down my craft supplies to things that I'll actually use within the next few years. It makes it so much easier to actually put my hands on something that will inspire me if I don't have to weed through items that are just filler. There is a fine line between making sure you have what you need for when that midnight inspiration hits, and being able to find what you need when that midnight inspiration hits. I've spent years gathering a most impressive stash. Now I think I need to make it a more streamlined, working stash.

And now, just because it was pretty and I want to share, last night's sunset.


  1. That's so nice of you to give away so much yarn, I'm sure a lot of awesome things will be made with it! And that photo is too adorable. How old is your little kitten?

  2. It's great that you shared!

    I shared all of a supply with someone this week. A friend called and said she wanted as much of this item as I could find and they she would pay. I gave her what I had and called a friend who was selling some in her yard sale.

    I know the item will be used and I was not going to use it.

    I am going to be working my way thru all the yarn I have on hand. Tired of it.

    I have quilts to piece and finish and some old fashioned hooked rugs that are started and have been "aging" for quite some time. They are on my get 'er done list too.

    Have a wonderful weekend!


  3. speaking as one that been on the recieving end of other's extra stash....thank you! I'm following you now, and I'm anxious to find any posts you did of exactly how you use that big loom! I've just started, but with a small Inkle loom.

  4. De-stashing feels so good, sometimes. And the photo of the sunset is magnificent!
