Monday, June 29, 2009

Maroon Confetti braid, and more on the Sea Shawl

Today I finished up the kumihimo braid that I was working on in the tutorial a couple of days ago. This one really tickles me. I am tempted to cut it up, and sew on little googly eyes and sets of itsy bitsy feet. Doesn't it look like it would make cute caterpillars? Maybe put magnets on their bellies, and have them crawl up and down my refrigerator? Either that, or it would be really cute as piping around a throw pillow. I'd have to find the right fabric. Something warm and whimsical. Alternately, I could see finding the right focal pendant, and turning it into a funky necklace. With matching coils of bracelets.

Ah well, I don't really have time for those projects right now. I'll toss this up in the Etsy shop, and see if someone else can come up with plans for it. In the meantime, I got another foot or so done on the Sea Shawl today. The end of the warp is just rounding around the back beam, so I should be able to finish this up in the next day or two. I think I need to get something on the loom again in fairly short order, though. I really get a kick out of the way the loom looks all warped up, especially in the afternoons when the western sun comes streaming through my studio window.

So, what should be next? I'm leaning toward doing another batch of White Scarves, for the SCA rapier folk. That went over well last time, and I have quite a bit more white yarn to work through. Of course, another bout of warp painting would be fun too. Or maybe experiment with the chenille yarn I've got sitting in the stash? Some soft draping chenille scarves might be lovely. Or...

I think I like planning projects even more than I like making them. I love mucking about in the possibilities.


  1. What a beautiful image of the loom in sunlight!

  2. Thanks! I love working on the loom at that time of day.

  3. Your loom looks so pretty in that light. Almost makes me want to learn - almost! I still have my hands full with pottery. Maybe in a few ears I'll try it.

  4. Ooooh...pottery. I've done just enough of that to know that it isn't as easy as it looks. But I still love it! I'd have to give up the weaving and practice for years to get to your level though. Maybe one of these years I'll have another go. :)
